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Recommended Reference Sites: A constantly updated site displaying forgeries from around the World, usually displaying a genuine example for reference.
The Philatelic Register A free monthly Magazine (by subscription), lots of interesting articles. Perhaps you could submit a piece?
Great Britain Philatelic Society [Great Britain Philatelic Society] ( Everything relating to GB Stamps. Some items only available to Members “The largest Database of British Postmarks on the Net” (Maltese Cross!) A convoluted search method but very easy to use once you’ve worked it out. Very comprehensive Plating site for Line Engraved GB
Ken P's Postage Stamp Finder ( Where does that strange stamp come from? PACCHI/POSTAL is San Marino/Parcel Post, PLATA is from Philippines. This is the place to identify Country of issue
If you have a reference site that you would like to recommend, please email me the URL for consideration.